Rebranding and Our New Pet Line

It has been a couple of years (yikes!) since I last wrote a new blog post for you! We have been making some big changes here and now it is time to tell you all about them.

The biggest news is that we recently launched a line of integrative dermatology products for pets! CMD Pet Solutions has herbal supplements and external herbal products to help support the skin of cats and dogs suffering chronic skin conditions. We refer to these products as “integrative” because we want veterinarians to use them as stand alone treatments or in conjuction with pharmaceutical options to get better results and to reduce the need for harmful pharmaceuticals like steroids or toxic drugs. Skin issues like atopic eczema and flea bite dermatitis can be very stubborn and there aren’t really effective pharmaceutical solutions that are safe for long-term use. But now pets have new hope for effective options that are natural and safe. We are so excited to bring these products to pet parents and to veterinarians. Tell your vet about CMD Pet Solutions!

The next big change here is that we are currently rebranding Zi Zai Dermatology as CMD Skin Solutions. CMD = Chinese Medicine Dermatology. There are a few important factors that prompted this rebranding. The main reason is that very few people could properly pronounce “Zi Zai” (which is Mandarin and means to be free of restrictions). If you can’t pronounce a name, you likey won’t remember it (and that is not helpful for building a brand that people remember and trust).

We have already updated our name in most places, including our website and our email addresses. We have the new logo (a variation of our original Zi Zai logo) and we are working on redesigning product labels. So you might still see the Zi Zai Dermatology name in a few places for a few more months.

We have a new line of products coming soon for those of you with chronic skin issues like eczema, acne or rosacea. I am so unbelievably excited about it, and it pains me to keep it under wraps for just a bit longer. But we will reveal the reason for the excitement soon. Stay in the know by following us on Facebook or Instagram:

For Humans: and

For Pets: and

~Peace & Love, Diana Hermann (Founder & Herbalist)


New Solutions For Your Itchy Hands


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