Client Testimonials
1) For what condition were you seeking Diana’s help?
A skin disorder- a persistent rash all over my face and body
2) What was your daily life like before you started working with Diana? (What were your biggest struggles and fears?)
My daily life consisted of — from waking up in the morning and my first thought after getting out of bed was, “Let’s see how my skin looks. Did it clear up at all?” I was CONSTANTLY preoccupied with my skin, finding the source, and finding a solution. I was consumed with finding the cause! I was on the internet, listened to podcasts, read books all in hopes of finding a solution. The days consisted of doctor appts to find a cure— 5 different dermatologists, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, acupuncturist, infectious disease doctor, allergist, oncologist, CT scans and MRIs….. all with no answers and still a rash after 2 years. Even went on special diets that were very limiting! This created a lot of stress and anxiety.
3) What other treatments did you try that didn’t work?
I used steroid creams and steroid prescriptions. They would clear my skin for about 7-10 days and then it would come back worse! I did a 7-day patch test on my back to find any allergies. None! I even had a biopsy that I had to have done at the hospital, be put under, and 2 patches of the rash were cut out of my skin. Results= inconclusive! Really! And now I have 2 scars!
4) There was a moment just before you set up your Initial Herbal Consultation to work with Diana. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from making that appointment?
After 2 years and being exhausted trying to find a cure, I was ready when my acupuncturist recommended Diana. At first, I was doubtful, but I trusted her opinion. And, I had tried everything else!
5) How has your daily life changed after working with Diana? (What were the tiny insights that made the biggest difference? What can you do/enjoy in your life now that you could not do/enjoy when your condition was at its worst?)
When the rash was on my face. I stayed in the house for a week at a time. Last summer I couldn’t go out in the sun or get in a pool because of chlorine. This summer, I’m excited that I’ll be able to enjoy some fun sun time with my grandkids. Day by day the rash would clear up on different parts of my body. I was committed because I could see results beginning to happen. I was also committed to adjust my diet to assist the herbs in working better. Not sure if that was necessary, but I didn’t want to hinder any possible results.
All I know is, if I knew about Diana sooner, I would have gone to her first! It would have saved me 2 years! It was worth EVERY penny I spent! Her caring attitude, her persistent pursuit to create the right herbal formulas, her professional follow-up, and her cheerful, happy, helpful assistant Paula were all reasons that I have recommended her to some of my friends. It was a very positive experience working with Diana!
~Carol, Age 67
1) For what condition were you seeking Diana’s help?
2) What was your daily life like before you started working with Diana? (What were your biggest struggles and fears?)
I spent a lot of time and money on skin products to try to clear my skin. I was so self-conscious about my skin and always worried about breakouts. I felt that my acne hindered my confidence and self-worth which affected a lot of areas of my life.
3) What other treatments did you try that didn’t work?
I tried everything under the sun. I went to a regular dermatologist for a long time and they tried every topical that they had. I took medication and even Accutane. Some things would help but never had lasting effects. I tried light therapy, other herbs, and changing my diet. I had accepted the fact that I would have acne forever.
4) There was a moment just before you set up your Initial Herbal Consultation to work with Diana. What was the main reason, doubt or insecurity that was holding you back from making that appointment?
The price held me back since insurance didn’t cover the costs.
5) How has your daily life changed after working with Diana? (What were the tiny insights that made the biggest difference? What can you do/enjoy in your life now that you could not do/enjoy when your condition was at its worst?)
I feel like a different person. It’s cliché but it’s true. I have so much more confidence and genuinely feel beautiful. I don’t stress and obsess over my skin anymore.
I appreciated Diana’s holistic approach. Every dermatologist that I went to before this only considered the surface of my skin. The first thing that Diana asked about was other processes in my body that could be causing my breakouts. She had a genuine interest in getting to the root of the problem while other dermatologists seemed to only want to cover it up.
~ Haley, age 21
I had been dealing with rosacea for 20 years before finding CMD Skin Solutions (formerly Zi Zai Dermatology). My biggest fear was progressing to rhinophyma since my nose was constantly swollen with an outbreak and continually getting more severe. I had easily been to 20 doctors, dermatologists, and naturopaths over these years. They had me try every topical and oral antibiotic out there as well as Soolantra and many mixtures of vitamins with no success. Within a couple of weeks of being treated by CMD Skin Soltuions for the first time ever I started getting positive results and have finally got my rosacea under control. I am so pleased with the people here and their program, wish I would have found them sooner!
~Eric, Age 43