Cold Sores: Causes and Solutions


Cold sores are clusters of little vesicles that are triggered by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2). In people who have been exposed to the virus, these vesicles can pop up anywhere on the body. Most commonly, the ones caused by HSV-1 show up on the face, usually around the mouth, on the lips (especially along the outer border of the lips, called the vermilion border), or in/around the nose. They can pop up around the eyes or even in the mouth.

Who Gets Cold Sores and How?

If you tend to get cold sores, you are not alone - BILLIONS of people all over the world get them (perhaps this helps alleviate any embarrassment). Most people are exposed to the virus and get their first outbreak by the time they are only 5 years old. The virus is spread during person-to-person contact with contaminated vesicles, saliva, or other body fluids A little kid who sucks their thumb can spread it from their mouth to their thumb (and then onward). Healthcare workers often get it on their hands. Contact sports are a common way the virus is transmitted and there is even a term for when rugby players pass it from rubbing cheeks during scrumming - “scrumpox”. It is also a common occurrence in people who have atopic eczema.

Primary HSV Infection

The first time someone gets inoculated with the Herpes simplex virus (usually before age 5), they may experience systemic symptoms in additon to the skin lesions at the site of exposure. If the site of infection is in/around the mouth, these systemic symptoms can include fever, restlessness, foul breath, inflamed gums that bleed easily, white spots on tongue/throat/palate/inner cheeks that turn into yellowish ulcers (raw spots), and swollen lymph nodes. All symptoms usually resolve within 2 weeks for that initial infection. Some people never show any signs at all of that initial infection.

Recurrent Outbreaks

Some people, whether they were symptomatic or not during that primary infection, may never have another outbreak of the virus again. Others may have recurrent outbreaks throughout their lifetimes. The virus does not leave the body once someone is inoculated. It lies dormant in the spinal roots of the nerves that supply sensation to the skin. When something triggers a recurrence, the virus follows the nerve pathway onto the skin where it multiplies. The person may notice a burning sensation, tingling, or itching. Within hours, local lesions form: a cluster of vesicles with central depressions (little divots at their center) on a red base. These vesicles can weep or rupture easily, leaving yellow crusts and erosions or even ulcerations. The person may or may not feel feverish, tired, and have local enlarged lymph nodes. The skin usually heals within 7 to 10 days without scarring (though scarring is possible). The virus then returns to its resting state at the nerve root. The frequency and severity of attacks tends to diminish over the years.


Cold sores, a.k.a. fever blisters, got their moniker because the virus is often triggered to reawaken by common colds (upper respiratory infections). But several factors can trigger an outbreak, such as:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections

  • Trauma to the skin (surgery, injury, sunburn)

  • Sun exposure

  • Hormones (outbreaks are common prior to periods for some women)

  • Air travel (why? maybe due to stress??)

  • Stress

  • Fatigue

  • Basically anything that challenges or lowers your immune system

How to Minimize Outbreaks Naturally

At the time of this writing, there still is no cure for HSV infections. But the good news is that there are some very powerful herbs that can help your immune system keep the virus in check and minimize symptoms if an outbreak does occur.

CMD Skin Solutions makes 3 topical products for use on cold sores. The first is Solution CS Herbal Lip Oil. We infused Chinese herbs known for their strong anti-viral effect against herpes viruses into carrier oils known to have anti-inflammatory properties for skin. You can apply this oil directly to skin the moment you get that familiar tingling/burning/itch sensation that precedes cold sore outbreaks. It is safe to use around eyes and nostrils, and on lips. Apply it several times daily (usuing a cotton swab so you do not contaminate the bottle or your finger) until the lesions are healed. Patients and customers have reported that the use of this herbal oil at the onset of an outbreak reduced the duration of the outbreak to 3 to 5 days instead of the typical 7 to 10 days.

Solution CS Topical Powder is an blend of several Chinese herbs in powder form. When cold sores are raw and weeping, sprinkling this herbal powder blend onto wet lesions helps them heal faster because it will absorb the exudate and allow your skin the opportunity to form a scab. Once a scab starts to form, you can use the matching Solution CS Herbal Oil for continued healing support.

Between outbreaks, you can apply Solution CS Herbal Lip Balm regularly to reduce the likelihood of an outbreak on your lips, the most common location of cold sores. It is infused with the same powerful herbs that are in Solution CS Herbal Lip Oil.

If you want even more natural support to keep your cold sores at bay, or if you want help with genital outbreaks, internal Chinese Herbal Medicine can be a remarkable solution for you. Contact our clinic in Colorado, or seek out a qualified practitioner of Chinese Herbal Medicine in your region.


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